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International affairs refer to the events and activities that involve the governments, politics, economies, etc. of different countries. Or, are the activities of a nation in its relationships with other nations; international relations. Or, are the matters abroad that involve the homeland, such as relations with another country.

Africa in International affairs is largely concern with the relationship and cooperation between African nations among themselves and cooperation between African and the outside world.


Continental cooperation was facilitated by the social, political and economic exploitation imposed on Africans. Through these the African people realized the need for cooperation and the consciousness that they share a common destiny. African countries worked together to solve political, social and economic problems which faced the continent after independence. Origins of continental cooperation the origin of continental cooperation in Africa could be traced back to the Pan-African movement, which refer to the unity of all people of African origin or descent. The word “ pan” means ‘together’ or ‘all’ Africans refers to people, implying the unity of all people of black colour.

Objectives of Establishment of Continental Cooperation

Some of the objectives of establishing continental cooperation in Africa include
1. To preserve political independence and freedom

2. To fight against economic exploitation such as land alienations, poor wages and force labour.

3. To unite all people of African origin in the struggle against polities oppression

4. To challenge the ideology of European supremacy which undermines African political independence, economic stability and cultural civilization

5. To protect African dignity
6. To preserve African culture from destruction

US President Donald Trump addresses African leaders in New York.

African co-operation existed through the formation of various organization as shown below;


O.A.U was an organization of independent African states that was formed firstly by 30 countries in Addis Ababa Ethiopia on 25/05/1963. Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia was the first chairmen of the organization.

Background of O.A. U

Before its formation, African countries attempted to unite Africa to fight against the problems that faced their people. Those effort included

1. The creation of PAFMECA (Pan African Freedom movement for East and Central Africa). in the late 1950’s

2. The formation of Brazzaville group in 1961 by Congo, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Ivory coast, Niger, Senegal, Mahanet, Mauritania, Burkena-faso, Chad, Gabon and upper-Volta

3. The charter of union of African States signed by Guinea and Ghana on 23-11-1958 for the purpose of bringing cooperation between them

4. Formation of military commend and Africa common market at Casablanca-Morocco by the head of states such as Algeria, Ghana, Mali and Morocco itself.

By 1963 African countries realized that there was a need of creating Pan-African organization to bring more strength, unity and development among all countries hence the formation of O.A.U

African Leaders At OAU Conference, December 1967

Problems Faced OAU

1. Civil wars in the member states such as Sudan, Somalia and Sierra leone killed many people in the member countries in 1990’s

2. Assassination of head of states in many countries for example Melchior Ndadaye of Burundi in 1993.

3. O.A.U could not impose decisions on its members. Member states used this opportunity to act against the O.A.U interests.

4. Absence of good infrastructure such as railways, roads which hindered the movement of people between and within the member states

5. Shortage of money, member states could not contribute money on time different programmes

6. Interference by external powers in the affairs of the African continent. For example USA, Britain, France

7. Ideological differences especially during the cold war eg. Tanzania- socialism, Kenya-Capitalism

The Objectives of O.A.U

The objectives refers to the goals which the member state planned to achieve by working under the organization they includes:-

1. To enhance unit among African states
2. To eliminate all forms of colonialism in Africa

3. To promote international co-operation in line with UN and Universal Declaration
4. To coordinate cooperation and efforts to bring better life for African people

5. To defend territorial integrity and independence of the African states.

Ethiopian Emperor Haile Selassie (C) and Ghana's first President Kwame Nkrumah (L) at the formation of the OAU in Addis Ababa, 1963

Principles O.A.U

These were the guidelines which had to be followed by the member states in order to achieve their goals and objectives

1. Non-interference in this domestic matters of this member states

2. The use of peaceful ways in finding out the solutions to conflicts and disputes between member states.

3. To accept the movement of Non- Alignment of Afro Asian states
4. Respect the rights of status to exist as independent countries

5. Sovereign equality of all member states had to be respected by all members countries

6. Condemn all political assassination and encouragement of people to oppose domestic dictatorship government

Benefits of O.A.U to Tanzania

1. Tanzania gained fame by hosting the headquarters of the liberation committee in various countries such as Zimbabwe and Angola.

2. Through African Development Bank Tanzania received some money for improvement of various sectors like agriculture and education

3. Tanzania made friendship with all countries which had joined O.A.U through participation in various meeting of O.A.U members.

4. Tanzania got chances to give out its opinion over many problem through various meeting.

The Emperor (Haile Selassie) with other African leaders, like Mwalimu Julius Nyerere of Tanzania. The Emperor encouraged the leaders towards the formation of Organization of African Union (O.A.U) today known as African Union (A.U)

Failure of O.A.U

Through O.A.U succeeded, it had also failures which include:
1. O.A.U failed to bring better and good standard of living among the Africans

2. It failed to eradiate neo-colonial exploitation which was practiced by the countries in Western European countries. After its formation Africa export to European markets continued to suffer from lower prices determined by big powers

3. It failed to solve political conflicts which normally led to this rise of civil war and overthrow the elected government for example Ghana when Dr. Kwame. Nkurumah in 1966.

4. It failed prevent inter-state conflicts. There were conflicts over boundaries and eventually there were wars for example Tanzania and Uganda in 1978 and Kenya and Somalia in190’s

Despite its failures O.A.U existed for almost thirty seven years. In the late 1990’s Mr. Mwammar Ghadafi, Libyan head of state proposed to other member head of states to create a new organization which could take necessary steps to eliminate problems which were not solved by O.A.U. His proposal was taken positively and the members accepted to form A.U ( African Union).


A.U is the organization of African countries which originally started by the declaration to the head of states and Government of the O.A.U to establish African union. It was agreed during the O.A.U summit at Sirte, Libya in 1999. In the following year, during the lome summit, Togo Head of states and Government adopted the constitutive Act of the union. The Lusaka summit of 2001 further gave the final go- ahead for the establishment of the AU which was born in Durban, South Africa, in 2002

African leaders in the 25th African Union Summit in South Africa, 2015

Objectives of the AU

1. To achieve the greater unity and solidarity between the African countries and the people themselves

2. To accelerate the political and socio-economic inters ration among Africans.
3. TO promote and defend African common interests

4. To promote peace, security and stability in Africa
5. To defend the sovereignty, territorial integrity and independence of member states
6. To encourage international cooperation

7. To establish the necessary conditions which enable Africa to play its rightful role in the global or world economy through international negations

8. To work with relevant international parties in the elimination of printable disease and the promotion of health on the continent

9. To promote sustainable development at the economic social and cultural levels as well as the integrations of economies

10. To promote democratic principles and institutions, popular participation and good governance.

AU Member States

Problems which Threaten Future Success of AU

This include the following
1. Civil wars in countries such as Sierra Leone, Sudan, Northern Uganda Ivory coast

2. Poor infrastructure such as railways roads, and water ways continued to weaken smooth transport of raw materials from productive areas to industrial as well as from towns productive areas to industrial as well as from towns to rural areas in many members states

3. Lack of fund-most of its members are poor nations. It does not get enough money to run it

4. Epidemic diseases such as HIV/AIDS kills skilled labour which would have been used by AU to develop many sectors like Agriculture, industries fishing and tourism

5. Corruption, such as mismanagement of public money by this leaders like former president of Zambia Mr. Chiluba discouraged good governance.

A cross-section of African leaders  attending the African Union meeting at the AU headquarters in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

The Benefits of AU to Tanzania

There are number of benefits acquired by Tanzania from being a member of AU, they include the following;

1. Tanzania would get an opportunity to unite with other African countries to solve political conflicts peacefully in several African states and the country will use AU to discuss on the presence of good relationship between Africa, Europe and USA.

2. Tanzania will make friendship with other African countries through this joint activities and programs in social and economic sectors

3. Tanzania gains territorial dignity through participation in the military operations

4. Tanzania get new ideas and information which will be used to solve many problems in different sectors such as agriculture, health, mining and industry.

5. Tanzania would obviously provided with money as loans and grants from the financial institutions such as African central Bank and the African investment bank.

[L-R] Paul Kagame (Rwanda), Yoweri Museveni (Uganda), John Magufuli (Tanzania) and Robert Mugabe (Zimbabwe) in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania, 2015


The need for regional cooperation in Africa, like elsewhere in the world arose from the need to tackle political, social and economic needs of the people. This regional approach was found more beneficial given that this people in one region are likely eo work more closely together due to geographical, historical and cultural advantages. Among the regional grouping existing in Africa include the east African community (EAC) COMESA, ECOWAS and SADC.


It is an intergovernmental organization composed of six countries in the African Great Lakes region in eastern Africa: BurundiKenyaRwandaSouth SudanTanzania, and Uganda

THE East Africa cooperation after independence was mainly the formation of East Africa Community (E.A.C) which the formation of East Africa Community such as Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania. It was formed on 6th June 1967 after a treaty of East African co-operation signed in Kampala by three heads of states to foster social and economic development in the region. Arusha became the head quarters in the community in Tanzania

Milton Obote (Uganda), Jomo Kenyatta (Kenya) and Julius Nyerere (Tanzania), the founders of the former East African Community 

The Origin of EAC

It can be traced back from 1922 when the British had East African governor conference to discuss maters of common interest in the colonies under the British. In January, 1st 1948 the British formed the East African Governors High Commission which had to perform the following functions:
1. Make rules on inter- territorial common services and good government policies
2. To administer common serves such as civil aviation, east Africa posts, telegraphs and meteorological department.


Objectives of EAC

1. To facilitate the free movement of the people and understand among the East Africans.
2. To provide wider market for goods produced in the region.
3. To promote the free trade of goods and services among the members of state.

4. To provide common services in East Africa, such as East Africa railways and East Africa airways based in Nairobi, Harbors whose headquarter were Dar es salaam and African community in Arusha while Uganda became the headquarter of post and telecommunication as well as East African Development Bank.

5. To manage the East African examination council.
6. To conduct research in various areas such as agriculture and population.

President Jomo Kenyatta, President Julius “Mwalimu” Nyerere, Prime Minister Obote and Tom Mboya.

Achievements of EAC

The first East African Community had the following achievement:

1. Provision of funds to the members of state. This was possible through the East African Bank which was made by the EAC. For example Tanzania managed to produce aluminium sheet, assemble radio and make motor vehicles tyres and tubes. Uganda managed to manufacture bicycles and nitrogenous fertilizers. Kenya made electric bulbs from the capital given by the bank.

2. It put the East African countries on a course of cooperation when these countries worked together on areas like post, telecommunication and railways

3. It provided a chance for political leaders to discuss economic and political issues of their region

4. Free movement of people, for example Kenyans and Ugandans could move easily to Tanzania.

The Collapse of EAC

The East African Community existed for a period of ten years. It collapsed in 1977 and revived in 2000, there were several reasons to its collapse, they includes;

1. Difference in ideologies. Tanzania used socialism and self reliance in which the government controlled all means of production in the national economy while Kenya and Uganda were mainly based on capitalism which allowed the existence of private owned economy, hence they could not work together

2. Higher growth of Kenyan economy over Tanzania and Uganda, Kenya had many industries and business companies, either members felt they could be exploited

3. Absence of common currency. It made it difficultly for people to fully not buy good and serves in Uganda and Kenya because their currency was not accepted.

4. Misunderstanding between the late presidents for example Julius K. Nyerere and Idd Amin of Uganda. Nyerere did not like to work with Amin after overthrowing Milton Obote in 1971

5. Shortage of fund among the East African government. The member states were less development National which could no have financial requirements for community programmes.

All these reasons contributed to the collapse of the first EAC in 1977. Today the new EAC might not grow stronger because of similar ideological practices among the countries. Its implemented on 7th, July 2000.


This was revived on 7th, July 2000 after the collapse of the East African Community in 1977. It has now six member states which Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Burundi, Rwanda and South Sudan.

The Principles of the New EAC

The principles of he New EAC are guide lines which must be followed by the community members in realizing their goals or objectives. They include:-

1. Mutual trust between the people of EAC states
2. Peaceful co-existence and good neighborliness
3. Peaceful settlement of disputes
4. Good governance, acceptance of principles of democracy, rule of law and respect for social justice
5. Co- operation for equal mutual benefit among the member states.

Presidents of the five countries that form the East African Community, 2015

The Goals / Objective of the New EAC

1. Establishment of a monetary union
2. To promote peace, Security and stability within the region and good neighborliness
3. Formation of the East African Federation

4. Establishment of a common market in which there services and information technology

5. To develop policies and programmes aimed at wide ring co-operation in polities, economic social defense and judicial matter for the benefit of the postures state.

6. To promote sustainable and balanced growth and development among the members

7. To promote the role of women in socio-economic development

8. Achieve equitable economic development and higher standard of living for the people of Africa. Areas of cooperation and among the EAC members

The New East African Community Member States

The member states intends to co-operate in the following area to reach their goals

a) Trade liberalization and development
They introduced custom union by signing a protocol in 2004. They also intend to establish common market to provide free movement of labour, good, services and capital.
b) Infrastructure and services


ECOWAS is an organization which was formed by English, French and Portuguese speaking countries West Africa under the Treaty of Lome on 28th May, 1975 to bring unity for economic development in fields such as industries, transport, telecommunication, energy, agriculture monetary and commerce.

ECOWAS - Heads  of States in 2017

Aims / Objectives of ECOWAS

1. To eliminate barriers to the free movement of people services and capital
2. To remove custom duties between the members states to as to make West Africa a free trade area
3. To coordinate industrial and agricultural development policies

Organs of ECOWAS

1. Authority of the head of states-makes major decisions and policies
2. The council of Ministers- assist authority in policy recommendations

3. The community parliament
4. The economic and social council

5. Community court of justice
6. Executive secretary and ECOWAS fund. Lagos is the headquarter of Executive secretary and controller of fund based in Togo

7. ECOWAS Bank of investment and Development ( EBID)

8. Specialized agencies like WAHO-WEST Africa Health Organization and WAWA –West Africa Women Association

Its Members
It has about 16 members such as Burkinafaso, Benin, Gambia, Ivory coast, Ghana, Cape Verde, Nigeria, Guinea cannonry, Senegal, Guinea Bissau, Togo, Mali, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Niger, Nigeria and Cameroon.

ECOWAS Member States

The Achievements of ECOWAS

1. It brought unity among West African states by printing conditions in which two different countries could carry out joint projects such as food and transport cooperation between Nigeria and Niger after 1975

2. ECOWAS formed a military force known as ECOMO the force helped to defeat a military regime which over the forced helped to defeat a military regime which over the force helped to defeat a military regime which over the force helped to defeat a military regime which over thrown civilian government in Sierra Leone in 1990’s

3. It set up a fund in 1986 by getting loan from financial institutions in Western Europe and America. The fund improved agriculture, industries, transport and telecommunication in 1929

4. It made the movement of people between the member states easier since 1979. The member states agreed to eliminate obstacles which prevented people from moving for various activities in the summit held in dalcar, Senegal

5. It provided a winder market for the member states commodities

Challenges Encountered by the ECOWAS Member States

1. Political instability, countries such as Nigeria has had coup’ etat after 1975 civil wars in Sierra Leone in 1990’s. This undermined peace and security seen by in the entire region.

2. Low prices on products exported to world markets caused poor export earnings of foreign currency

3. Difference in the official languages between the members make it difficult for West African People to communicate easily in economic activities. The community contain Anglo phone and Francophone countries

4. Poor infrastructure such as roads still exist in many West African States. This situation hinders easy movement of goods, services and labour.

5. Bilateral and triple cooperation which began before the formulation of ECOWAS appear as obstacle to the realization of its objectives. For example Liberia and Sierra leone had mano River project in 1973 to work in joint economic development, Senegal, Mali and Mauritania started the organization for the development of the Senegal river to construct dams since 1973

6. Some of the member states failed to remit contributions to the organization as required, and this make the running of the organization very difficult

7. Some of the smaller economics among the member states find the immerse military and economic power of major economies such as Nigeria overwhelming.

8. Ideological differences especially between the capitalist countries and socialist countries. For example cote d’ivore under Felix Houphout Boigny,capitalist and Burkinafaso under under Thomas Sankara, socialist.

9. Border quarrels for example Nigeria and Cameroon had to go to international court in the Hague for arbitration over the ownership of the Bakazi Region.

10. Foreign interference in the affairs of the member state. For instance the stationing of French troops in cote d’ivoire since the 1960’s which made the neighboring states including Guinea very uncompromising.

11. The vast geographic region makes it difficult for affairs of the organization to be coordinated well.


The origin of South Africa Development Community could be traced back to 1979 but formally established in April 1980, with headquarters in Gaborone, Botswana During its early years, the organization was known as the Southern Africa Development Coordination Conference (SADCC).

Currently SADC has a total of 15 members. The member states include Angola, Botswana, Democratic Republic of Congo, Madagascar, Seychelles, Mozambique and Tanzania. Other members are Lesotho, Malawi, Namibia, Mauritius, Swaziland, South Africa, Zambia and Zimbabwe.

The 36th SADC Summit Swaziland 22 - 31 August 2016

Objectives of the SADC

1. To harness resources in the region for the benefit of all member states
2. To promote economic growth and standards of living ot the member states

3. To promote environmental protection and utilization of resources
4. To promote peace and security among member states

5. To promote sustainable development through cooperation among the member states
6. To consolidate the age-old social, cultural and historical sites existing among the region

7. To enhance economic development by promoting transport and communications in the region.

Achievements of the SADC

1. Enhancement of security in the region. For example establishment of Ecomog in the Western part of Africa.

2. Promotion of democracy and rule of law among the member states

3. SADC has facilitated the development of infrastructure among the members states, for example roads, harbour, railways etc

4. Promotion of agriculture among the member states agreed in a treaty signed in 1995

5. Member state were able to consult on matters that affect the region using SADC as the main forum

6. Sharing of water resources in the region. This was agreed in a treaty signed in 1995.

SADC Member States

Challenges experienced by SADC member States

1. Production of goods that compete rather than complement each other

2. Political instability some of the member states experienced political instability which has interfered with the organization operations. Eg Democratic Republic Congo

3. Language barrier. Some countries speak English and other speak Portugeuse

4. Differences in political ideology- eg Tanzania and Angola capitalism, others capitalism

5. Poor coordination and communication between member states

6. Some member states exhibit divided loyalties as some belong to other regioner organization such as

7. South Africa is seen as domineering over other member states due to her strong economy this causes a lot of anxiety to some countries.


Before 1993 COMESA was known as the Preferential Trade Area for Eastern and Southern Africa- P.T.A. The heads of member states met in Kampala Uganda on 6th November 1993 and signed a treaty which created COMESA. A member of COMESA includes Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi, Malawi, Zimbabwe, Lesotho Botswana, Swaziland, Mauritius, Comoro, Djibouti, Ethiopia Somalia and South Africa.

COMESA meeting in Tunisia on October 2017

Objectives of Comesa

1. Promoting and facilitating cooperation among member countries in trade, trade, transport and communication.

2. Harmonizing and coordinating development strategies, policies and plans within the region

3. It encourages cooperation in monetary and financial affairs in order to facilitate sub regional integration.

4. It aims at establishing joint industrial and agricultural institution to raise the production capacity.

5. It aims at reducing and eventually eliminating tariffs among members in order to facilitate trade

6. It encourages economic independence of the region by establishing strong economic base

Achievement of COMESA
1. Member states have become more cooperative in the field of trade, industry and agriculture.
2. The organization has also established a bank known as the trade and development bank situated in Bujumbura Burundi which finances trade and development projects

Problems of COMESA
1. Different levels of development of member states
2. Poor transport shipping facilities and communication links
3. Existence of too many currencies in the region
4. Weak economic base of member states ie dependency economies
5. Civil wars, natural calamities and neo colonialism

COMESA Member States

The Reasons Which Made Tanzania Withdraw From COMESA:

As shown earlier Tanzania withdrew from COMESA in 2002. There are various reasons which made this country move out of the organization.

1. Tanzania was discouraged by political conflicts in Zimbabwe and Civil war in Sudan, Ethiopia and Somalia. She realized there could not be effective economic co-operation with the members which had these problems at the moment.

2.The country wanted to maximize her efforts in some organizations like East African
Community which was formed in early 2000s’. The government could not be able to unite fully with other EAC if she was still a member in many other organizations.

3. Tanzania withdrew from COMESA because she was avoiding duplication of regional cooperation. The country learnt that there was no new benefits the people could get from COMESA. Most of the benefits were similar with those which were gained from SADC and EAC.

4. financial contributions to various economic organizations became a burden on the government expenditure. The country could not be able to collect and spend money in many organizations like SADC, EAC, AU and COMESA. Withdrawal from COMESA was a way to reduce financial cost on regional co-operation

5. Tanzania moved out of COMESA as a way to protect its industrial development from other COMESA members such as Kenya, South Africa and Zimbabwe. This country still lagged behind in industries. She feared that those countries could use many opportunities in regional co-operation to export manufactured goods which could compete against the products from Tanzania industries. Thus, she withdrew to protect domestic industries and their markets.

All the points given above could explain the possible reasons which made Tanzania move out of COMESA in 2002


Most of African states gained political independence in the 1960’s long after, most of the global organizations like United Nations had been established, thus never the less played an important role in Global affairs.

Types of International Organizations

1. International Governmental Organizations(IGOs)
These are organizations made up of two or more sovereign state. For example the united Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and the World Health Organization

2. International Non-Governmental Organizations (INGos)
These are organizations made up of individuals or private groups for example organizations like the later nation Red Cross, Amnesty International and Transparency international.

President Julius Nyerere (Tanganyika) visits the US President John Kennedy on 15th July, 1963 

Objectives of Africa Participating in International Affairs

1. To show solidarity with other states of the world especially during emergencies

2. To give the continent a forum through which thus could discuss the continental affairs

3. Increased participation in the United Nations General Assembly meant that Africans would hence forth receive more international attention than was the case before.
4. To demonstrate their sovereignty through participation in global affairs

5. To enhance Africa’s development for example the participation in the common wealth of Nations intended to develop Africa though English – speaking states that are more developed. Similarly, the French community was meant to coordinate cooperation of the francophone and their former colonial masters

6. African participation in Non-Aligned Movement was to put the continent in a strategic situation in the struggle for between the Eastern and the Western block during the cold War.


The UN is an international organizations comprising of independent states from all over the world. It was formed after the second World War in 1945.

Objectives of the UN
1. To develop friendly relations among states of the world
2. To maintains international peace and security
3. To promote respect for human rights and freedom
4. To promote human welfare by uplifting living standards
5. To promote international understanding among nations.

US President Donald Trump addresses African leaders in New York.

It’s Structure / Organs of UN
The UN, whose headquarters is in New York, USA, is made up with:

(a) The General Assembly.
This is the most supreme organ of the UN. It meets once year unless during extra ordinary sessions and comprises of all members states of the UN

Functions of the General Assembly
1. Admit new members
2. Consider any matter touching on international peace and security                  
3. To approve the UN budget                                                                   
4. To elect no- permanent members of the security council judges of international court of Justice and appoint the Secretary General with approval of the Security council.

Each independent country qualities to be a member of the organization. Most of the African countries joined on the 1960’s soon after independence, each member is entitled to only one rote. Out of 51 founders of the United Nations, only three were African states.

Thus were Liberia, Egypt and Ethiopia. South Africa also participated but under while rule Tanzania, Kenya and Uganda joined the UN as soon as the respective countries required political independence in 1961,1962 and 1963 respectively. By 1980, 50 states in the continent had become states of the UN it continent had become member states of the UN, it constituted one third of the UN membership.

Due to the increase member of membership of African countries enabled Africa to push through African agenda in the General Assembly. Such issues includes:-

1. The evils of European colonialism in Africa and the need for decolonization.
2. The evils of the apartheid regime in South Africa

3. The unfair interference of apartheid South Africa in Namibia
4. Marginalization of the continent in global economy

5. The danger of the cold War and the great power’s military intervention in the continent.

(b) The Security Council
This comprises of 15 members, fire of them permanent they include China, Russia, France, United Kingdom and the U.S.A. The ten Norn – permanent members are appointed for a two- year term by the General Assembly. The five permanent members have veto powers. This means if any one of them votes against a proposal, resolution can not be made

Functions of the Security Council

1. To enforce international peace and security. If any state defied the UN, the Security Council can order for sanction against it. For example Libya, apartheid south Africa and Iraq are good example

2. Investigates situations that pose a threat to international peace
3. Urges states to conform to peaceful settlements of disputes

4. To expel countries that violate UN regulations
5. To recommend procedures to be followed in dispute settlements for countries experiencing squabbles

(c) The International Court of Justice
It based in the Hague, Netherlands and is the highest judicial organ in the UN. It consists of 15 Judges, who serves a term of 9 years with a possibility for re- election.
It handles issues involving diplomatic staff, fishing rights, nuclear tests and international borders and territorial water issues. For example in 2004, the court arbitrated the boundary dispute between Nigeria and Cameroon over Bakazi peninsula, awarding the region to Cameroon.

(d) The Secretariat
The secretariat is located in New York, USA and consists of international civil servants, led by the Secretary General. It is the body concerned with the day to–day work of the UN.

Duties / Functions of the UN Secretary General
1. To administer peace keeping operations
2. Researches on trends of human rights
3. Points out any situation that poses a threat to global peace to the UN general assembly
4. Monitors how UN recommendations are executed
5. Translates documents
6.  Registers treaties

The UN flags of the Member States

(e) The Economic and social council ( ECOSOC)
This is made up of 54 UN members states elected by the General Assembly to serve for a term of three years. It serves as the main UN forum for coordination of economic and social issues. This work is supervised by commissions, which include;-

1. The statistical commission
2. The population commission
3. The commission for social development
4. The commission on the status of women
5. The commission on narcotic drugs

Its work is done through different agencies which include WHO, FAO, UNESCO and UNICEF .

The United Nations International Children’s Fund (UNICEF)

UNICEF deals with the welfare activities with respect to children all over the world.

Ways in which African states worked closely with UNICEF to promote the welfare of children

1. Assists refugees world wide for example in 1959 UNICEF helped refugees in Tunisia, Morocco and Algeria with blankets and tents

2. Collaborates with African states in promoting sanitation in rural areas
3. Donating essential drugs to protect the lives of young children and mothers

4. To conduct research in collaboration with African countries in the field of agriculture to fight multrutrition and hunger

5. Promote girl- child education programmes with a view to uplift the quality of life of African children

6.  Promotion of material health in Africa and in other parts of the world

Voting takes place in the Security Council on a draft resolution dealing with Palestinian statehood, 2014



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1. The East African head of state are trying all efforts necessary to re-establish the East African community since 1966. Explain (NECTA-2000)


2. Show the economic and political roots of Central African Federation and highlight  the main oppositions which retarded the federation (NECTA-2000)


3. Despite its role in the International Community, the organisation of African Unity (OAU) had several weaknesses. Explain (NECTA-2001)


4. How has the international community involved itself in maintaining peace in East and Central Africa region since 1960? (NECTA-2002)


5. Outline the similarities and differences between the aims and functioning of the Commonwealth Nations and those of the French Community. (NECTA2003)


6. With relevant examples show the challenges most likely to face the new East African Community (NECTA-2003)


7. Discuss the roles played the Organisation of Africa Unity (OAU) in the decolonization of Africa. (NECTA-2005)


8. Asses the achievement of the organisation of African unity (OAU) in the light of its original objectives (NECTA-2006)


9. Identify and explain the source of the Middle East crisis and show the position of the OAU on the conflict. (NECTA-2006)


10. Discuss the benefits gained by the members of the Commonwealth. (NECTA-2007)


11. Why was the dream of United Africa not been achieved? (NECTA-2007)


12. “Political changes which have been taking place in African states since the second half of the 1980s are a result of inevitable internal and external circumstances”. Discuss (NECTA-2009)


13. Explain the objectives of the newly re-established East African Community and how Tanzania is likely to benefit from it. (NECTA-2009)


14. Explain the strengths and weaknesses of the United Nations Organisation in African major issues. (NECTA-2010)


15. Examine eight challenges of Non-Aligned Organisation. (NECTA-2011)


16. “The United Nations Organisation (UNO) has some political, social and economic gain in Tanzania” Discuss the statement by giving six points (NECTA-2013)


17. Explain the reasons for the failure of the former East African Community. (Six points) (MBEYA PRE-NECTA-2016)

