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English Course - Free

Kenya Notes


Reading information from different sources involves two types of reading which are extensive and intensive reading.

Intensive reading involves reading tasks, passages and information carefully with the aim of gaining knowledge from the information in the text.

Read the introduction: Many introductions contain valuable insights into the author’s life and his writing, both of which can enrich your understanding and appreciation of the work. It will often provide background knowledge on the novel.

Read carefully: This is no time for speed reading or skimming! A careful reading may seem slower, but you will ultimately save more time than if you have to reread everything. Begin reading the novel or short story as soon as it is assigned and read slowly and with attention to detail


When reading any comprehension, one needs to recognize the logical and grammatical relationship among parts of the concepts. Information can be obtained from newspapers, internet, television, radio, and other public documents. Usually, information should be researched and must have facts. Most comprehensions are with questions to be answered by the reader. There are some important things to understand before one attempts to answer the questions.

Things to consider when reading comprehension questions:

1. Comprehension questions are designed to test how well one understands what he/she reads.

2. However competent you are on the subject, don’t use outside knowledge to answer the comprehension unless stated by the questions.

3. You have to concentrate o n the passage and come out with all the answers to the comprehension questions.

4. Before reading a passage, read the questions that follow it in order to know what information is being asked.


Reading Extensively for Comprehension

This involves reading a variety of books/stories for information and pleasure from different sources, particularly the library and other books centers. This part also provides students with sample short stories. However, students should be provide with a number of books which have various stories, both for information and pleasure. Remember to write a summary of the story after reading it.

Extensive reading involve reading novels, plays ,short stories ,poems, biographies, autobiographies, magazines, journals and many other reading materials. Extensive reading will improve you English language, will give you information entertain you

Tips on How to Read Extensively

1. Read the blurb and the table of contents

2. If you are reading a non-literary task, like history, lines book, take notes of the main points and supporting point you read

3. If its literary text, at the end of you reading write a report showing :
- The title of the book
- Novelist
- Playwright or poet
- The setting of the story
- The plot of the novel
- Play or poem
- The central character in the story
- The main theme or central message of the literary work
- Any new vocabulary or expressions that you have come across

Read any novel or a play that is not part of the literature set texts and then write a report using the guidelines above


Skimming Reading
This involve reading a text quickly in order to pick out the main features , including:
1. How it is organised
2. The general nature and purpose of the text
3. Key points of information and opinion

How to skim a Book
1. Read the cover review and the information about the author.
2. Read the table of content
3. Read through the sections and subsection headings if there are any
4. Read the first and last sentence of each paragraph, they often contain the major points.
5. Take note of names of persons, places and events

Scanning Reading
Looking quickly of a passage but this time it is in order to identify relevant features or information. This skill is useful when reading a passage that requires you to answer questions at the end of the passage.

How to scan a Book
1. Skim the book first
2. Read the questions at the end of the book
3. Look quickly through the book to find answers to the questions asked


When you are reading a novel or short story, the main areas of focus should be form and content.

Form refers to the writing style and techniques used and how the elements of design are implemented. Content refers to what is the literary work talking about

Parts of Forms

Plot - Reflection of motivation and causation.

No plot - The king died and then the queen died.

Plot - The king died, and then the queen died of grief.

Character - Is a fictional person who drives a story or who the story is about.

Setting - Awork’s natural, manufactured, political, cultural and temporal environment, including everything that characters know and own (place, time, objects).

Title - Is the name of the book

Writer/ author - this s the person who have written a story

Tone - Methods by which writers and speakers reveal attitudes or feelings

Style - Ways in which writers assemble words to tell a story, to develop an argument, dramatise, or they way they use certain words in the service of content.

Parts of Content

Theme: Results of general and abstract thinking in literature, themes relate to meaning, interpretation, explanation and significance.

Literature: embodies values along with themes are vital to an understanding and appreciation of literature

Themes: Are not as obvious as character or setting.

It is important to consider the meaning of what you’ve read and then develop an explanatory and comprehensive assertion.

Message: Is what the reader learns from a literally work.


The theme of a fable is its moral or teaching. The theme of a piece of fiction is its view about life and how people behave. In fiction, the theme is not intended to teach or preach. In fact, it is not presented directly at all. You extract it from the characters, action, and setting that make up the story. In other words, you must figure out the theme by yourself.

The writer's task is to communicate on common ground with the reader. Although the particulars of your experience may be different from the details of the story, the general underlying truths behind the story may be just the connection that both you and the writer are seeking.


Identifying main Features of Different Genres

A Novel is a factious prose narrative of book length, typically representing characters and actions with some degree of realism.

A Play is a work of art which involves performance in a stage, and dialogue.

Poetry: Is made up offigurative language, songs, symbolic language with emphasis on imagination, emotions, and heartfelt ideas written in stanza and verses. A stanza is a single line in a poem.
