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Past Papers: Get a feel for sitting exams
Practising with past exam papers
enables you to have a feel of your forthcoming exams, with regard to the exam
questions. Fortunately, examiners use a common “template” to set exam papers.
You should expect your forthcoming FRCA or GPST exam papers to be very similar
with your actual exam papers in as far as the number of questions and style of
exam questions is concerned. Past papers enable you to experience the number,
style and variety of exam questions. Knowing the number of questions to expect
and the choices you are likely to encounter gives you an advantage when
planning on how to answer each question. Similarly, the style of questions used
e.g. essays, multiple choice, or short-answer, is important in helping you
understand how to effectively handle your exam paper.
Help you focus on common exam
Going thorough past papers enables
you to understand some of the themes that may be covered in your exam. It is a
fact, most study courses have a wide variety of associated topics and thus,
cannot all be covered in one exam paper. Scrutinising these papers is the best
way to determine the areas that examiners usually test students on, so that you
can focus your revision on those areas.