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Thursday, June 13, 2019

COMMERCE - Necta Past Papers - FORM TWO

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COMMERCE - Necta Past Papers - FORM  TWO

Form 1-4 Commerce (2016)
FTNA Exams

Past Papers: Where to Find Past Exam Papers

If the exam one is revising for is external, then find out the address of the exam board associated with the paper and request some copies. Past exam papers provided by external examination boards will likely include a small charge but it is well worth it given how much of an advantage it is to be able to practice exam style questions. If the exam is an internal exam, then it is much easier to access old papers by talking to one’s lecturer, personal tutor or making an appointment with the course head.

For those of you that are in Matric, you can download past exam papers from 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 (Feb/March and November) and 2012 (Feb/March) from the Department of Basic Education’s website. Languages papers in all eleven official languages are available. Papers fore non-languages subjects are also available to view or download.

Past papers are an important tool for revision, allowing students to check how their revision is going and assess areas for improvement. Just doing the questions, perhaps under timed conditions and consulting the mark scheme is useful. However, too much of this can lead students to overemphasise the role of the mark scheme in their success and lead them to place lesser value on other types of homework and revision.
