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Friday, June 14, 2019

COMPUTER - Necta Past Papers - FORM FOUR

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COMPUTER -  Necta Past Papers - FORM FOUR

Form 1-4 Information & Computer Studies (2005)
CSEE Exams: Paper 1
2024202320212018201720162015201420132012201120102009200820072007 (New Syllabus)200620042003200220012000
CSEE Exams: Paper 1 Answers/Solutions
CSEE Exams: Paper 2
CSEE Exams: Paper 2 Answers/Solutions
CSEE Exams: Checklist

Good Use of Past Papers

Learn to Look at Questions Conceptually Instead of Individually

Obviously, each exam question is completely different. However, that doesn’t mean you need to rack your brain every time you encounter a new question in an exam. Even if the context of a question is completely unfamiliar, you know that each question is asking you to talk about one of the main concepts in the topic.

If you learn to identify the key concepts that each question is tackling, then you’ll know what your examiner is looking for (whatever the situation).

Remember, you still need to answer the specific question you’re given (this means including specific evidence from the exam question instead of just giving broad definitions) but you’ll be able to easily identify which definitions you’ll need to include, and which concepts you should write about.

Learn to look at questions beyond the tricky wording and specific details (especially with biology!) and find the common themes within these questions.

Whether it’s a person rollerskating or a car driving around a corner, you’ll learn how to identify what you need to know, apply your knowledge to any situation, and you’ll be fully prepared to answer any weird questions that are thrown your way.

Wrap Up

Whether this is your first time studying for exams, or you’re a Year 13 student reading this instead of facing your final exam season (hang in there, freedom isn’t far away) you now have a range of tools and techniques to use. 

Now that you know exactly how to use past papers, and they’re no longer a weird mystery in the back pages of the NZQA website, you’ll be able to study way more effectively, and hopefully have more time to relax once you’re done. 

Good luck for your exams, remember to check those assessment schedules, and we’ll see you on the other side. 

You’ve got this. 

