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Friday, June 14, 2019

PHYSICS - Necta Past Papers - FORM FOUR

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PHYSICS - Necta Past Papers - FORM FOUR

Form 1-4 Physics (2017)

CSEE Exams: Paper 1
2024202320222020201920182017201620152015 (Private)20142014 (Private)201320122011201020092008200720062005200420032002200120001999 November19971996199519931992
CSEE Exams: Paper 1 Solutions/Answers
200220011999 November
CSEE Exams: Practicals
2024 2A2023 2A2022 2A2021 2A2020 2A2019 2A2018 2A2017 2A2017 2B2016 2A2016 2B2015 2A2015 2B2015 2C2014 2A2014 2B2014 2C2013 2A2013 2B2013 2C2012 2A2012 2B2012 2C2011 2A2011 2B2011 2C2010 2A2010 2B2010 2C2009 2A2008 2A2007 2A2006 2A2005 2A2004 2A2003 2A2003 2B2001 2A2000 2A1989 2
CSEE Exams: Advanced Instruction for Practicals
2024 2A (3hr)2021 2A2019 2A2017 2A
CSEE Exams: Checklist for Practicals
CSEE Exams: Alternative to Practical
20152014201320122011201020072005200420032002200120001999 November1999 January19971995199419921991

Reading the Past Papers

Using Mark Schemes

Mark schemes are available on exam boards’ websites alongside the past papers. Comparing how confident you felt with a question to the answer in the mark scheme can flag up some topics for revision. You may find some questions you thought you were comfortable with, but actually need a little work… or perhaps you nailed a question you thought you struggled with!

Once you have attempted a number of papers, you will begin to notice common questions (whether new specification or not). For science exams, in particular, it is worth learning the key points examiners look for in answers to certain questions.

For example, a 5-mark question on the process of fractional distillation in Chemistry requires succinct presentation of key facts. If you memorise the points in the mark scheme, you are guaranteeing yourself a perfect answer!

This principle also applies to key definitions. Often only 1 or 2 marks, these questions are easy to slip up on if you don’t use the correct phrasing or write down a keyword. Learning a definition provided in mark schemes is a good way to ensure you’ll always pick up these marks.

Reflect After Doing a Past Paper

Instead of simply doing a past paper and moving on, take a few minutes to go through your answers and reflect on what you’ve done. This way, you’ll be more likely to learn from your mistakes, and you’ll be less likely to make the same mistakes again in the future.

Doing a bunch of past papers is great, but reflection is what makes your studying way more effective. If you’re actively thinking about your answers, and looking at ways to improve, then you’re well on your way to acing your exams.
