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Monday, August 31, 2020


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Schemes of Work 2025

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English Course - Free

Kenya Notes

Isack Mruma

To you dada.
it’s the days that matter,

for we are unable to chat
in the language we had.

When I look at you
and see my pay slip
in your eyes
I feel empty
and sapped.

Your glance, sister,
is to me the measure
of the heat of the dough
in my pocket.

Never are passions cool,
to you I am now a tool,
and all my wage is now the fare:
I ride on your throbbing kisses.

It is you I accuse,
because your love is lost,
and you only touch me
with the tenderness that asks
where my wallet is.

It is to you dada,
that my pen tears the pad,
For I only see your love
focused on my purse
with your passions
chasing my bank account


YOU ARE LOST is a poem by Isack Mruma that criticises the behaviour exhibited by modern girls who tend to hypocritically fall in love with men who have money. They pretend to show love outwardly while inwardly their focus is placed on the money the man has. Furthermore through the poem the poet shows that the persona is now aware of the hypocrisy of this woman he calls *dada* - a Swahili word which means *sister* - though not necessarily referring to a biologically related sister. In this context the sister means his mistress. (A man’s mistress is a woman that he is having a regular sexual relationship with and who is not his wife). He has to take some measures to protect his money since the love he was buying is lost.


The kind of love portrayed in this poem is not the true one. It is a love focused on money. This girl kisses the man only when she notices that he has money. If the guy happens to have no money she minds her own business, then there is no love.
Your glance sister,
Is to me the measure
Of the heat of the dough
In my pocket
The persona shows that the girl has turned him into the tool of production or the source of income. He works and his entire wage is claimed by the woman.
Never are passions cool
To you I am now a tool
And all my wage is now the fare
I ride on your throbbing kisses

The man in the poem shows a sense of protest because he has realised that his mistress is not in true love with him. The woman’s love is focused on the money she gets. If there is no money, there is no love. So the man is protesting against his mistress’ behaviour.
It is to you dada
That my pen tears the pad
For I only see your love
Focused on my purse (wallet)

The man is aware that the woman is only exploiting his money in the name of love. Even when she pretends to touch him romantically, she just searches for the wallet. So the man has realised that her love was lost a long time ago, what makes it going is money. Here says the poet;
It is you I accuse,
Because your love is lost
And you only touch me
With the tenderness that asks
Where my wallet is

The woman seems to be engaged in prostitution because her love is for sale.  She looks for people with money and has no true love. This is a very dangerous behaviour because it exposes her to terrible sexually transmitted diseases. The man shows that the woman is always chasing his bank account.
For I only see your love
Focused on my purse
With your passions
Chasing my bank account.

The woman in this poem seems to exploit the man. He works hard but all he earns goes to the woman. As he says in the 3rd stanza
to you I am now a tool,
and all my wage is now the fare:
I ride on your throbbing kisses.

     i.        How many stanzas are there in the poem?
There are six stanzas in the poem.
   ii.        What is the tone and mood of the poet?
The tone is sad and lamenting and the mood is unhappy.
  iii.        What is the type of the poem?
This is a modern/freeverse poem. It does not follow all the rules in writing poems. For example there is variation in the number and length of verses in each stanza.
  iv.        Who is the persona? How do you know?
The persona is a man. It is revealed when he complains that the woman’s love to him is only focused on his money.
    v.        Comment on the use of figures of speech.
Ø  Barbarism
To you dada
It is to you dada
Ø  Personification
the tenderness that asks where my wallet is
With your passion chasing my bank account.
Ø  Exaggeration
When I look at you and see my pay slip in your eyes
Ø  Metaphor
To you I am now a tool,
  vi.        Comment on the rhyming scheme.
The poem has irregular rhyming patterns with exception of only two lines that seem to rhyme. Lines (14-15)
Never are passions cool
To you I am now a tool
vii.        Is the poem relevant to the society today? Why?
The poem is relevant to our societies today because today love can be bought. Most girls today wish to marry men who are well-off. And if at some point in your life you happen to have money then you have a dozen of girls around you kissing, hugging and chasing for your money, but the moment you run bankrupt you lose all your girls altogether. Hypocrisy, betrayal, and commercial sex are common phenomena in our society.

What lessons do you lean from the poem?
a)      Prostitution is dangerous because it may expose someone to STDs.
b)      Love based on money is not good. Because when one runs out of money love is lost altogether.
c)      Hypocrisy in love should be discarded/discouraged
d)      Men should be aware of the tricks girls use to get their money.
