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Friday, June 2, 2023

Form Six Exams - Monthly, Midterm, Terminal, Annual Exams - Download All Subjects

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Monthly, Midterm, Terminal and Annual Exams

2010 - Present


To download the Exams

Click the years below to download the exams:


2010 - 2023






Advantages of Past Papers


1. Work on your time management

If it’s possible, it’s best to practice completing the paper under exam circumstances, find a quiet spot where you won’t be disturbed. The benefits of completing the paper this way, is that you can work out how much time you will have for each question. You can even ask a parent, sibling or friend to act as an invigilator to tell you how much time you have left.


2. it sharpens your skills

The more you practice with past exam questions, the more you sharpen your skills. These papers help you to recall what you have been learning in your class. Besides, it allows you to apply the concepts you have been mastering during your study times.

Therefore, past exam papers are a perfect option in your revision for your upcoming exam. Source as many as you can and go through them. You can also ask for assistance from a tutor to get accurate answers.


3. Past papers bring out the knowledge gaps

When a candidate solves or attempts to solve old questions, he faces problems with specific questions. He often finds that either he has no knowledge of the topic or his understanding of that topic is poor.

Thus, past papers help a candidate find out the gaps in his knowledge. By concentrating on those topics or taking the help of teachers for those particular topics, a candidate can overcome his lacunae and do better in the exams.
