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Friday, April 5, 2019

Solved Exams for Advanced Level - Download Exams with Answers

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Mid-Term, Terminal, Annual, Pre-Mock, Mock, Pre-Necta and Necta Exams 

From 2020 - Present 

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Solving Past Papers

In today’s increasingly competitive environment, every student is attempting to excel academically while also gaining admission to prestigious colleges through entrance examinations.

One of the most common methods for familiarising yourself with an examination pattern is to solve as many previous year’s question papers as possible. Previous year questions help students become familiar with the exam structure, but they also help them acquire confidence in a subject. Often questions are swapped and repeated, which can assist a student gain a few guaranteed marks/scores on an exam.

As a result, it is favourable to conclude that practising on previous year’s questionnaire papers is some of the most effective ways to prepare for an examination.

How to prepare for final exams:

Make the Most of Class Time

Attend all class sessions, pay close attention to the lectures, and take notes in a way that makes sense for you. The goal is to be able to understand your notes when you review them later.

“Taking good notes means you pay more attention during class,”


Change up Your Study Space

Without a doubt, it’s essential to have a quiet, peaceful study space. However, research has shown that varying where you study actually improves learning. Shake up your routine! Try studying in different rooms in your house or apartment, or alternate between the study area, the library, your favourite cafe, and the public park. It will help you to retain what you need to know and keep you energized, so your finals prep doesn’t become a chore.
