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Friday, April 23, 2021

Mitihani ya Darasa la Pili - Masomo yote (Monthly, Midterm, Terminal and Annual Exams)

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2010 - Present


Monthly, Midterm, Terminal and Annual Exams


Swahili Medium

The Examinations for Primary Schools using Swahili Language as a Medium of Instruction.

To download the Exams

Click the years below to download the exams:


2010 - 2023




How to Open Exams from Zip Files after Downloading

For Mobile Users

- You will click the packages to download the exams

- The exams have been combined in a Zip File 

- Your phone must have an ability to open the Zip files

- Then you will be able to access the exams

- You may use Wps Office or Zip File Extractor (apps), if your phone is not able to open the zip files

For Desktop, Laptop Users
- No problem to download and access the exams


The key objective of the primary education is to teach children to think analytically, to achieve high living standards, to face the challenges posed by technological development and advancement of citizenship and basic values. Primary education providers must provide safe and positive environments where effective learning can take place. Primary education aimed to provide an opportunity to have a team that is steady to interact. Elementary education enables students to make friends who facilitate acquisition and development of communication skills as children attend school. Another goal of early education is to demonstrate those children who are not academically good and who perceive things late. The primary education includes of smaller categories and a lot of variety of academics. 

The primary education is the phase where students may be influenced positively or negatively. The future of a child is totally depending on the primary education. Primary education will boost your kids’ self-confidence and offer your child the skills they need for the long success in this competitive world. The youngsters who do not receive the basic education throughout their early years are instructed the counting, alphabet, colors, and shapes after their formal education started, they are going too far behind the children who already possessed the basic knowledge of everything.
