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Friday, April 23, 2021

Mitihani ya Darasa la Sita - Masomo yote (Monthly, Midterm, Terminal and Annual Exams)

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2010 - Present


Monthly, Midterm, Terminal and Annual Exams


Swahili Medium

The Examinations for Primary Schools using Swahili Language as a Medium of Instruction.

To download the Exams

Click the years below to download the exams:


2010 - 2023




How to Open Exams from Zip Files after Downloading

For Mobile Users

- You will click the packages to download the exams

- The exams have been combined in a Zip File 

- Your phone must have an ability to open the Zip files

- Then you will be able to access the exams

- You may use Wps Office or Zip File Extractor (apps), if your phone is not able to open the zip files

For Desktop, Laptop Users
- No problem to download and access the exams


You’ll always have at least one reluctant writer in your classroom. Just getting them to put their name on a worksheet can feel like an uphill battle.

But as much as they might avoid it, the need to practice and produce sustained writing isn’t going anywhere. So how do you get them to write?

Why your student is reluctant to write in the first place

Before you can motivate them, you need to know the reasons why a student resists writing. They might be feeling:

  • disengaged, unable to link writing to personal areas of interest
  • embarrassed by difficulties with functional literacy (e.g. spelling and grammar)
  • anxious over the pressure to produce something ‘perfect’
  • stuck for ideas

Each of these issues requires a slightly different approach, so talk to the student first and ask what’s holding them back.
