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Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Kilimanjaro | Mock Exams | Form Four | 2021

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Form Four Mock Examinations 2021


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The exams have been combined in one package



The Exams and the Students

The word “Exam” is the nightmare of the lives for most of the students. They bring a lot of stress, anxiety, and frustration with them. If you ask a school student that whether they want to take an examination or not, I am damn confident that majority would say “NO”. The exam is a kind of irritating word among students. So, this time I am going to point out what are the advantages and disadvantages of exams for school students.

Exams are considered as a source of grading the capabilities of students. It is a standard system to test knowledge which is being practiced in almost all schools. It is the fear of both, bright and weak students.  You like it or not but you have to take exams every year because there is no other system being introduced by experts yet.
