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Usesfab | Pre-Necta Exams | Form Two | 2019

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Form Two Pre-Necta Examinations 2019


All Subjects

The exams have been combined in one package



How to Make Exam Easy



Most of us learn through repetition. And beware – we can embed our mistakes too by simply repeating them. Information does not exist in the brain in detached little chunks. When we learn something new our brains attach it to other pieces of information that have already been stored. It is this creation of “neural pathways” that make it easier to access and use that particular piece of information in the future. Learning times-tables as a child was a great bore but it was the establishment of number relationships through reciting them that make it easy for you now to work out complex sums. Therefore:

Don’t simply read through your notes then close your file and assume that you have “done your revision”. To be effective try operating on a four stage process:

(1) Before you start ask yourself what you already know about the topic that you are revising. Take five minutes to scribble some rough notes or even recite what you think that you know.

(2) Read your notes or texts carefully, checking that you understand what you are reading.

(3) After about 45-50 minutes, close your file and see what you can now add to what you knew at the beginning. If you find that there are still gaps, go back and find the answers.

Exam Questions

Looking through old exam papers should help you to identify themes and even likely questions. But how would you answer them? Again jot down quick answers. This has two main benefits. Firstly, it enables you to identify gaps in your knowledge which you must fill, and secondly you will gain practice in analysing questions quickly. Don’t waste your time writing down long answers.
