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Monday, September 20, 2021

Kibaha - Kipssa | Pre-Necta Exams | Form Four | 2020

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Form Four Pre-National Examinations 2020


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Be Good Student now

Good Manners

Teachers will let you know that a class full of students who are well mannered, following procedures and rules always have a higher chance of showcasing their full learning potential. Students who behave properly are much more likely to learn better than their classmates who statistics on disciplinary actions.

So many students who are very smart but have bad manners end up being major frustrations for their teachers due to not maximizing their full learning potential except their manners are changed. It’s much easier for coaches or teachers to deal with well-behaved students even when they have academic struggles. No one wants to work with bad-mannered students, constantly orchestrating problems however teachers would do anything for students who exhibit respect, politeness and are obedient to rules.


Students who exhibit ambition never stay down in failure. The drive they possess keeps them going until they achieve the level of excellence they have envisioned. Ambition assists a student to work hard and put in everything he/she has into achieving great results.
