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The Qualities of a Good School

What are the characteristics of a successful school? Educators everywhere have asked this question in hopes that the answers might help create an optimal learning environment for students. Over the past 14 years, the Office of the Superintendent for Public Instruction (OSPI) has done extensive research into this question as well. The studies conducted there led to a list of nine characteristics that were found most often in high-performing schools. Read on for a summary of the nine characteristics, as well as the many ways in which Read Naturally programs can help your school develop them.


School is the second home of the young minds where they spent few hours daily with their fellow mates and learn under the guidance of a teacher. It’s every parent’s dream that their children have access to the best quality education for their personal growth and professional wealth. Only a good school can provide quality education to shape the minds of children and improve their skills and expertise for a bright future. Cambridge School is one of the best schools in Greater Noida and exhibits all the qualities of a good school that makes education excellent for its students.

So, the good school has:



To be truly effective, a principal must create a system of core values that the entire staff shares. To do this, she needs to involve the teachers and staff. A common theme to each of the core values should be a student-centered view of education. When a decision is made in the school, the first thought should always be: "What's best for the students?" When everyone shares this belief, infighting will lessen and the school can focus on the business of teaching.


Parental Involvement

Many middle and high schools do not stress parental involvement; they should. It is the school's job to pull parents in and help them understand what they can do. The more a school involves parents, the better students will behave and perform. Many parents want to know what's going on in class but have no way of figuring out how to do this.

A school that stresses parental contact for both positive and negative reasons will grow more effective over time. Thankfully, this is something that each teacher can institute even if the school as a whole does not stress such involvement.

Focused professional development

A strong emphasis is placed on training staff in areas of most need. Feedback from learning and teaching focuses extensive and ongoing professional development. The support is also aligned with the school or district vision and objectives.
