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Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Future Continuous Tense - Examples, Rules and Exercise


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The future continuous tense, sometimes also referred to as the future progressive tense, is a verb tense that indicates that something will occur in the future and continue for an expected length of time. 

It is formed using the construction will + be + the present participle (the root verb + -ing).

The future progressive tense is often used in English as a way to talk about something happening at a given point in the future.

The Future continuous tense is often used in English as a way to talk about something happening at a given point in the future.

How do we make the Future Continuous tense?

The structure of the Future Continuous tense is:

subject+auxiliary verb WILL+auxiliary verb BE+main verb
invariableinvariablepresent participle
willbebase + ing

For negative sentences in the Future Continuous tense, we insert not between will and be. For question sentences, we exchange the subject and will.

Look at these example sentences with the Future Continuous tense:

subjectauxiliary verbauxiliary verbmain verb
+Iwillbeworkingat 10am.
+Youwillbelyingon a beach tomorrow.
Shewillnotbeusingthe car.
Wewillnotbehavingdinner at home.
We sometimes use shall instead of will, especially for I and we.

Contraction with Future Continuous

When we use the Future Continuous tense in speaking, we often contract the subject and WILL:

I willI’ll
you willyou’ll
he will
she will
it will
we willwe’ll
they willthey’ll

In negative sentences, we may contract with won’t, like this:

I will notI won’t
you will notyou won’t
he will not
she will not
it will not
he won’t
she won’t
it won’t
we will notwe won’t
they will notthey won’t

How do we use the Future Continuous tense?

The Future Continuous tense expresses action at a particular moment in the future. The action will have started before that moment but it will not have finished at that moment. For example, tomorrow I will start work at 2pm and stop work at 6pm:

At 4pm tomorrow, I will be working.
At 4pm, I will be in the middle of working.

When we use the Future Continuous tense, our listener usually knows or understands what time we are talking about. Look at these examples:

  • will be playing tennis at 10am tomorrow.
  • They won’t be watching TV at 9pm tonight.
  • What will you be doing at 10pm tonight?
  • What will you be doing when I arrive?
  • She will not be sleeping when you telephone her.
  • We‘ll be having dinner when the film starts.
  • Take your umbrella. It will be raining when you return.

More Examples on Future Continuous Tense

  • I will be writing articles on different topics.
  • Robert will be reading various kinds of books.
  • They will be playing football in that field.
  • April will be having coffee in this coffee shop.
  • Bob will be going to the library.
  • We will be shopping in that market this Monday.
  • We will be watching a movie in this Cineplex on next Friday.
  • You will be shopping at that market tomorrow.
  • I will be singing different kinds of songs, especially modern.
  • I will be attending a program of my varsity on Friday.
  • Jeff will be traveling around the world in March.
  • They will be playing hockey in that field on Thursday.
  • The poet will be writing a romantic poem for the program.
  • The lyricist will be writing a realistic song for the film.
  • Will you be going to the concert of realistic songs?
  • I will not be attending the program because of my busy schedule.
  • Robin will be joining us at the meeting.
  • I will be helping him to do the task.
  • We will be going to enjoy the musical drama.
  • I will be arranging all the necessary materials for the program.



Watch the following Videos:





QUIZ - Future Continuous Tense

You can do this grammar quiz. It tests what you learned on the Future Continuous page.

1. I ________ during rush hour.

 will be driving
 will have drive
 will be drive

2. He will not be _____ the bus today.


3. They ________ the cottage that weekend.

 ‘ll be using
 ‘re be using

4. Nigel _____ be coming to the picnic.

 won’t not

5. Where ________ sleeping?

 you be
 will you
 will you be

6. We’ll be ________ the news at 10pm.

 to watch

7. I’ll try my best to spot you. What ________ wearing?

 will you
 will you be

8. Don’t forget your snowpants. It ________ by the time you get to school.

 will snowing
 is snowing
 will be snowing

9. At noon tomorrow, I ________ on a beach somewhere.

 ‘ll be relaxing
 will being relax

10. Sorry, I can’t. I ________ my daughter to work at that time.

 will be taking
 ‘ll take
 won’t be take
