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Fundishwa Online (Mtandaoni) na Msomi Bora Teachers

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Fundishwa sasa Mtandaoni

Special Program (Msasa Mkali) for Form Four and Six towards Necta 2023

Yaliyomo kwenye Habari

1. Maelezo 

2. Utafundishwaje Online?

3. Picha za Wanafunzi wanaofundishwa Online

4. Gharama ya kufundishwa

5. Namba za Simu

6. Faida za Kufundishwa Online

1. Maelezo 

Kutokana na maombi mengi ya Wasomaji wetu wa Msomi Bora Blog, kutaka kufundishwa na sisi online (Mtandaoni), wengine wakitaka tuwafundishe ana kwa ana kabisa. Tumeamua kuanza na kufundisha online kupitia Magroup yetu ya Masomo husika.

Na tuna Walimu mabingwa wa masomo husika.

Wanafunzi wote, PC (Private Candidates) na QT mnakaribishwa.

Program kuanza sasa

- Tumelenga Form Four na Six wanaomaliza 2023

- Topic za Form Three na Form Five kufundishwa

- Kwa Masomo ya History, Geography, Biology, Kiswahili, Civics, Chemistry, Physics na English (Baadaye tutaongeza masomo mengine)

- Solving za Mitihani kuelekea Necta 2023 zitafanyika zote 

Faida za Kufundishwa Online na sisi

- Utapata notes bure

- Utapata mitihani bure yenye majibu (Pre-Mock, Mock, Pre-Necta na Necta)

- Utapewa mbinu na Ushauri wa kufaulu Mitihani ya Taifa

2. Utafundishwaje Online?

- Utafundishwa kupitia WhatsApp ambapo utakuwa umeungwa katika Group au Magroup ya Masomo husika.

- Mwalimu atakuwa Live akifundisha Wanafunzi kwa muda ambao Mwalimu na Wanafunzi watakubaliana kufundishwa.

- Mwalimu atatoa Notes, ataweka Sauti na Video kwenye Group ili Wanafunzi waelewe zaidi.

- Wanafunzi watakuwa huru kabisa kuuliza Maswali kwa Mwalimu

3. Picha za Wanafunzi wanaofundishwa Online

4. Gharama ya Kufundishwa kwa sasa

- Utalipa Elfu 20 tu kwa Mwezi kwa Topic Moja 

- Ukilipa sasa, utaanza kurushiwa mitihani kwenye Magroup.

5. Namba za Simu

- Jisajiri Sasa, upate nafasi mapema na uanze kurushiwa Mitihani

Huduma imesitishwa kwa sasa

6. Faida za Kufundishwa Online

Advantages of Online Learning or Education


The concept of traditional education has changed radically within the last couple of years. Being physically present in a classroom isn’t the only learning option anymore not with the rise of the internet and new technologies, at least. Nowadays, you have access to a quality education whenever and wherever you want, as long as you can get online. We are now entering a new era the revolution of online education.

Keep on reading to learn five more reasons why you should get involved in online education!


1. Flexibility

Among the many benefits of an online learning, you’ll find virtual classrooms are great for people who are advancing their education while working. In a traditional classroom, lectures will be scheduled at a specific time of day and your schedule will be formed around the availability of classes. If you’re currently employed and courses aren’t available after your working hours, it can be difficult to juggle a course load in addition to your work duties.

When attending a virtual campus, online learning allows for far more autonomy in deciding your own schedule. That means you can study whenever it’s convenient for you. Live with some noisy roommates? Having more control over your schedule also means you can avoid distractions easier.

2. Reduced Costs

Education can be expensive, but virtual learning can provide a number of ways for students to save. Not having to commute to campus can help you save on transportation costs.

Every year, the average student spends more than a thousand dollars on textbooks and course materials. Virtual coursework often takes advantage of virtual resources, which translates into less money spent on textbooks.

Tuition costs can also vary between online and on-campus programs. For instance, at Drexel University, students enrolled in online programs in the School of Education receive a 25% discount off the price of regular tuition. Most online programs offered by the school are also financial aid eligible.

Between all these sources of savings, cost-cutting can be an enormous benefit of online classes.

3. More Free Time

Because your schedule isn’t dictated by classes, you can spend more time doing the things you want. Plus, in addition to saving money, not having to commute also means saving time because you don’t need to travel to-and-from campus.

That extra time can be used in any way you want, such as focusing on your career or spending time with your family. All you need is a digital device and an internet connection, and you have access to the necessary tools to further your education and earn your degree on your own time.

4. Increased Course Variety

Another reason why online school is better for some is the increased variety of education options. Since students are not required to travel to campus for courses schedule on specific days and times, students can enroll in the courses they are most interested in. There’s no need to rearrange schedules, students in an online program can take the course they want and complete the coursework at a time that is most convenient for them. Through online courses, students can gain the knowledge they need to earn their degree or grow in their profession.

Online courses allow you to earn essentially the same range of different degrees that can be earned from a traditional educational environment. That includes learning certificates and professional certifications to master’s degrees or doctoral degrees.

5. Career Advancement Opportunities

Just like courses taken in a traditional classroom setting, virtual learning can provide you with a number of career advancement opportunities. 

Because you’re the master of your own schedule, students of virtual learning are better prepared to continue working while pursuing academic credentials. And for students who aren’t employed, academic work can serve to explain any discontinuity or gaps in a resume. In either case, the advantages of virtual learning can be clearly seen on a resume.


6. It's flexible.

Online education enables the teacher and the student to set their own learning pace, and there’s the added flexibility of setting a schedule that fits everyone’s agenda. As a result, using an online educational platform allows for a better balance of work and studies, so there’s no need to give anything up. Studying online teaches you vital time management skills, which makes finding a good work-study balance easier. Having a common agenda between the student and teacher can also prompt both parties to accept new responsibilities and have more autonomy. 

7. It offers a wide selection of programs.

In a space as vast and wide as the internet, there are infinite skills and subjects to teach and learn. A growing number of universities and higher education schools are offering online versions of their programs for various levels and disciplines. From music composition to quantum physics, there are options for every type of student. Studying your program online is also a great option for getting an official certificate, diploma, or degree without physically setting foot on a university campus. Nowadays, people get certificates that help them succeed in their professional careers; the excellent ones are especially the financial certifications with the best ROI."

8. It’s accessible.

Online education enables you to study or teach from anywhere in the world. This means there’s no need to commute from one place to another, or follow a rigid schedule. On top of that, not only do you save time, but you also save money, which can be spent on other priorities. The virtual classroom is also available anywhere there’s an internet connection, and a good way to take advantage of this is to travel. For example, if you’re studying abroad and want to get a job, online education is a great choice. There’s no reason to give up on working or studying while exploring new and exotic places. 


9. It allows for a customized learning experience.

We’ve mentioned before how flexibility can help you to set your own study pace. But online education is also flexible for each student’s individual requirements and level of ability.

Online classes tend to be smaller than conventional class size. Most of the time, online learning platforms only allow one student at a time, and in almost all cases, this allows for greater interaction and more feedback between you and your tutor.

There’s often access to very diverse material such as videos, photos, and eBooks online as well, and tutors can also integrate other formats like forums or discussions to improve their lessons. And this extra content is available at any moment from anywhere, which will offer you a more dynamic and tailor-made education.

10. It’s more cost-effective than traditional education.

Unlike in-person education methods, online education tends to be more affordable. There’s also often a wide range of payment options that let you pay in installments or per class. This allows for better budget management. Many of you may also be subject to discounts or scholarships, so the price is rarely high. You can also save money from the commute and class materials, which are often available for free.

Not only that, but there are also plenty of scholarships available for online studies these days. In other words, the monetary investment is less, but the results can be better than other options.  

Benefits of Taking Online Classes

1. Lower Total Costs

Many prospective students overlook the cost advantages of online classes. Although online learners may pay the same per-credit tuition rate as on-campus degree- and certificate-seekers, they do not pay for on-campus housing or meal plans. Learners also save time and money by eliminating a commute.

Other cost savings include cheaper textbooks, especially if online learners can purchase digital versions. As long as online learners take enough credits to qualify as part-time students, they can apply for federal financial aid programs, such as grants and loans. Most colleges also allow online degree- and certificate-seekers to apply for institutional aid, including need-based grants and merit-based scholarships.


2. Pacing Options

Before taking an online course, learners should understand three terms that can define the online learning experience. The first term, asynchronous, refers to a course that does not hold scheduled meetings. Students complete work at convenient times but must still meet assignment deadlines.

The second term, synchronous, describes the opposite of asynchronous. Like on-campus courses, synchronous online courses maintain set meeting times where the professor instructs learners over Zoom or another video conferencing service.

Lastly, accelerated refers to courses that last fewer than 16 weeks. Accelerated courses post the same academic requirements and work best for learners with no external work or family obligations.


3. Scheduling Flexibility

For many learners, the primary benefit of online learning involves scheduling flexibility. Some programs allow degree- and certificate-seekers to start a course immediately. In other cases, students can select between a traditional 16-week course and an accelerated eight-week course. This page highlights accelerated courses' advantages in a later section.

Although many online courses run asynchronously to provide maximum scheduling flexibility, some require learners to collaborate with peers at set times or meet with a professor during virtual office hours. Prospective students should research these requirements before signing up for an online course.


4. More Comfortable Learning Environment

With the ability to study anywhere, online learners can complete coursework at home, a coffee shop, or a library. This advantage of online learning allows students to work in the environment that best suits them. As new online degree- and certificate-seekers research different places, they should focus on those that offer a reliable internet connection and few distractions. Another factor to consider is space requirements, as some facilities' tables may lack the space for a computer and reference materials.


5. Geographic Flexibility

Another advantage of online education that relates to flexibility involves prospective students' geographic location. Many of the nation's top colleges and universities offer online degrees and certificates, meaning that learners do not have to relocate to attend a premier school. They do not incur moving expenses since they can study from any location. This flexibility also saves money, as the cost of living among different cities can vary greatly.


6. Improve Your Technical Skills

Learning online can help students hone the technical skills they need on the job. New skills can include the ability to use new software suites, perform in-depth research online, and communicate effectively online in various formats such as discussion boards and teleconferencing. Employers often demand these skills as more and more positions require employees to work remotely. Students can also add new skills to a resume and discuss them during a job interview.


7. Career Advancement

Non-traditional learners enjoy two significant advantages of online classes related to career advancement. First, a certificate or degree can qualify an employee for a raise. Second, some companies restrict management-level positions to employees who possess a bachelor's or master's degree. Earning a degree can lead to a promotion that may also involve increased wages.

Besides tangible career benefits, most online degrees and certificates also allow learners to continue working while they study. Students can work during the day and complete coursework in the evenings or on the weekends. Additionally, learners who work can apply new knowledge and skills to their job immediately.


The Importance of Online Learning to Students and Teachers

Connects students and teachers internationally

Just like Nord Anglia Education’s Global Campus, an advantage of online learning is it can connect students and teachers around the world. With traditional education, location dictates which classes you could sign up for. This isn’t the case with online learning. You can sign up for classes all over the world, providing a more in-depth understanding of the global industry and helping children build their network and develop an international mindset. Gaining different perspectives and learning about different cultures also aids children’s thinking skills. This highlights the importance of online learning for students because it can open the door to new opportunities and help them develop skills that will serve them well in their future careers.


Offers flexible learning hours

When considering the importance of online learning to students and teachers, flexible learning hours are a big influence. Circumstances mean you can’t always follow the traditional classroom education timetable and being able to learn with more flexible hours can be an important benefit. Online learning offers students the opportunity to learn whenever best suits them. This helps them, and their parents, balance their education with their home life. Transport to school and their parents working hours are two examples of external influences that could impact a traditional education, however, with online learning these don’t have to be a problem. Whether it’s 6 AM or 6 PM, giving children the flexibility to learn when they feel motivated may also increase their ability to retain information.


Considers individual learning patterns

Every student learns differently, and in traditional education, children must adapt to the pace of the class or be left behind. One advantage of online learning is that children have more freedom to work at their own pace, which improves their learning experience and helps them build a better understanding with their teacher. This is also important for the teacher because it helps them structure their classes to suit the individual learning requirements of each child. The outcome: improved grades and a more enjoyable experience for the student and the teacher.


Allows children to create their own learning environment

Children learn better and feel more comfortable learning in an environment of their choosing. This isn’t always possible in a classroom but is one of the key advantages of online learning. As a student or a parent, you understand where you work best, whether it’s in the library, at home or anywhere else. Being able to take a laptop or tablet into your ideal working environment helps children maximise their potential and gain the most from their education. Everyone works differently and some students may prefer the classroom, but for those that don’t, this flexibility can have a positive impact on how they absorb information and help them improve their grades.

Provides students with more control over their learning

Traditional learning methods allow the teacher to decide how they will convey information to their students, but online learning provides more flexibility and gives children control over their education. We all learn differently – some of us prefer quiet study, others like interactive tasks and being challenged under pressure. While there are tasks online, one of the advantages is that it gives students time to teach themselves concepts differently. Some students prefer to learn slowly and explore different learning methods, helping them fully retain information. Once they feel prepared, they can then take online tests or ask their parents to challenge them on what they have learnt.

Advantages of Online Learning for Teachers

1. Practicality

In modern times of global economic and political instability, federal and provincial/state education budgets are often placed on the chopping block. Online learning is an incredible way to compensate for reduced access to teaching information and time dedicated to tracking student progress. The practical benefits to teachers can be measured in terms of time-based efforts and workload reduction. For example, using an LMS allows teachers to quickly create tests and quizzes using a preexisting or ever-expanding question bank. LMS technology also permits the automation of marking those tests and quizzes. Practical benefits also include the ability to track the submission of digital assignments, and reuse or reconstruct a course curriculum using new course templates.


2. Access to Training

Good teachers love to teach; but further, the best educators enjoy the opportunity to learn on a constant basis. Teaching with e-learning resources as a means of updating and honing one’s approach to teaching forces teachers to constantly up their game, in turn making professional development a daily activity.


3. Individual Pace

Online learning solutions provide much-needed effectiveness for teachers, allowing them to maximize the potential for individual learning curves and styles within the classroom. Many online learning solutions account for self-paced learning and allow students and teachers to work together to meet scheduled targets.


4. Application of Theory

Now more than ever, children, youth, and students are accessing information and news online, communicating, sharing, and exchanging ideas and concepts via technology. Online learning enables teachers to tap into this realm of constant learning by embracing the real-world application of theory through multimedia, video, chat, and interactivity. Educators can effectively harness the power of everyday technology to bring educational theories into the classroom.


5. The Way of the Future

Online learning offers significant benefits for educators. It’s estimated that by 2019, at least 50% of all post-secondary courses will be delivered online, providing schedule flexibility and cost-effectiveness for educators, as well as access to new learning platforms and the opportunity to learn from celebrated educators located elsewhere in the world via long-distance education. In elementary school settings, blended approaches to online learning allow both teachers and students to access a wide variety of modern teaching/learning tools and resources.

How is very Important to Study Online


1. Comfort of learning from your own home

Some days, you don’t want to leave the house. It’s understandable. Work becomes too stressful, friends become too demanding, and your body needs a rest. One of the hidden advantages of online learning is the element of flexibility and self-care it allows you to enjoy.

You can still exercise your mind without the daily grind of getting to school on time, fighting through traffic, even pushing through illness so as not to miss a class. If you pursue online learning, you can continue your coursework without stepping foot outside. 

You can also take your classes with you on the go, studying new subjects from coffee shops, doctor’s office waiting rooms, and subway cars. You can continue learning even when your jet-setting instincts find you on the other side of the world.

Online learning also gives students the option to learn in whatever setting is most productive for them. Some people can’t concentrate without absolute silence. Others need to listen to music or surround themselves with activity to stay motivated. While classroom courses force a specific ambiance and format, studying online lets you mold your environment to your personal preferences.   


2. Work while you study

Most people can’t afford to take six months off work to learn a new skill, which is the typical duration of a classroom course semester. In fact, recent research shows that between 50 and 75 percent of Americans live paycheck to paycheck, depending on annual salary and household income.

If you take online classes, you can study while you work. After you get home from the office, knock out an online lesson or two, then repeat the process the next day. You might even squeeze in study sessions during your lunch break and on the weekends.


3. Convenience and flexibility

Between work, school, social obligations, and familial responsibilities, people have become far too over-scheduled. From the moment they wake up until they return to bed, it’s go, go, go.

Over-scheduling can have negative consequences. If you don’t have time to decompress, relax, and enjoy life, you start resenting every activity in which you participate.

Make no mistake: You should take online classes seriously. They’re designed to help you learn new skills, so you must give them your full attention.

However, they allow you to schedule your learning at your own convenience. Maybe you don’t have a spare minute in the morning or afternoon, but you can carve out an hour-long window each evening for your course.

Alternatively, maybe you need to split up your study sessions. For example, SE Ranking SEO Academy used a bite-sized learning approach in their first course. It is a great solution for those who have little spare time and need flexible learning. While a physical course requires you to stay in the classroom for a set period of time, distance learning gives you more flexibility.

You might study or review course materials for an hour in the morning, then again for another hour at night. Either way, one of the many benefits of online learning is that the choice is entirely yours.

