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Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Notes - Darasa la Tatu - URAIA na MAADILI - Sura Zote


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SURA 1 - 2

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SURA 5 - 6

SURA 7 - 8


TIE (Tanzania Institute of Education)

The Importance of Moral Education for Pupils/Students


Moral education is the teaching of right and wrong behaviour. It is an important part of any school’s curriculum because it helps students learn to make good choices and develop a strong sense of right and wrong.

Moral values are important components of any individual’s character and they should be taught right from childhood.


There are many different ways to teach moral education in schools. Some schools focus on character education, which teaches students about honesty, responsibility, and other positive character traits. Other schools use a more traditional approach, teaching students about the different theories of morality and giving them opportunities to discuss ethical dilemmas.


How is moral education important for School Children?


1. Boost Self Confidence

The Inner peace and relaxation that one achieves from giving/helping others cannot be compared to materialistic happiness.

Children learn how good things can help others and in return, they also feel the joy of helping someone in need.

This happiness boosts children’s confidence and motivates them to do more such good work. This self-confidence helps in all walks of life.


2. It Helps in Strong Character Building

Being aware of values from an early age helps in developing the child’s character and forming the very core of their being. A strong character development happens because of the virtues and values that children learn during their childhood, which remains as a sound foundation for their moral beliefs in the future.

These moral values that children imbibe become their strengths, which they can rely on to decide their path in life. Therefore, the learning years are the time when special care needs to be taken to instil these core values, which further get polished at school and later on in life.


3. Helps Children to Stand Up Against Injustice

When children know what is right or wrong, they can shape the perception of others.

The importance of teaching moral values to students helps them to stand for themselves and others when an injustice is happening.


4. Helps to Understand the Difference Between Right and Wrong

The virtues help kids in differentiating between right and wrong. They can conclude scenarios and understand whether it is morally correct or not. It helps to make the right decisions in life.



5. Helps Them in Their Relationships with Others

While children are taught responsibility from a young age, they figure out their role and purpose in society. It is with the understanding that the world does not revolve around them and that they have a duty to follow towards their fellow human beings that will teach them to put the emotions and needs of others before themselves and see others’ perspectives.

Teaching values such as sharing, compassion, cooperation, acceptance, equality, generosity, and justice are extremely important for children to make everyday decisions in an unprejudiced and empathetic manner. From something as simple as showing courage to complain about a bully at school to showing perseverance in achieving goals at work will all help the entire society.

Apart from these, they understand how to form and maintain relationships and live by setting high standards of social living, which will, in turn, be a positive influence on others.
