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Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Kiswahili Notes for Form Two - KENYA - Download All Topics

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Kenya Notes

These notes follow the Kenya Syllabus. The notes have been prepared by qualified professional teachers.

We have:

Notes 1 and Notes 2


Click the links below to download the Notes:







4. Swahili Helps You Build Relationships

In Eastern and Central Africa, building strong relationships is key to doing business. Learning Swahili can help you build relationships with your clients, employees, and partners. Speaking the language shows that you are invested in the local community and that you respect the local culture. It also helps you to communicate more effectively and build trust with your business partners.


5. Grow Your Research and Business Opportunities

Whether you intend to research, study and teach abroad, or learn about the economics of Africa in a global marketplace, Swahili is poised to become the language of commerce in Africa. Its usefulness for research and travel is one of the most cited reasons given for studying Swahili. Many schools offer Swahili as an elective, and IT infrastructure is growing which will enhance economic and research opportunities.


6. Swahili is needed in the market

Many telecommunication companies need people who can speak fluent Swahili to handle customers who don’t understand English. For example, at Tunapanda Institute we do help clients to do research on their product and during this research, we use Swahili to allow our interviewee to be more open and talk about the product. In East Africa, most customer care agents have to be fluent in Swahili and English in order to get a job.


7. Useful in Working

Swahili is very useful if you`re working broadly across East Africa, won`t be settled in one place, and will need to communicate with a variety of people across national and ethnic lines.

8. Discover a whole new world of entertainment
Did you know that there’s already so much Swahili around you? Discover meanings behind names from popular films like The Lion King, Sense 8, and social games like Jenga. Why do we say 'Kiswahili' in East Africa and not Swahili? Explore new music genres of East Africa’s urban music scene like Bongo Flava, Genge, Afro soul, and Taarab. You will gain a better understanding of traditions and current lifestyles of East Africans from such music.
