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Environment in School
school environment plays a crucial role in students' learning and development.
It has a significant impact on their academic, social, emotional, and ethical development.
A positive school environment helps prevent students from engaging in
problematic behaviour and promotes their overall well-being. The physical
context of schools, including outdoor green spaces and indoor environmental
quality, can motivate and encourage child learning. Natural environments can
also reduce stress and improve concentration, especially for students with
attention deficit.
positive nurturing environment is an indispensable part of learning. It is in a
positive environment that a student feels comfortable; a place where
healthy relationships with peers and teachers flourish. In a positive
environment, the process of learning becomes something that students easily
adapt to and look forward to. To achieve this environment, young students need
to be nurtured with love, care and support. As we all know, today, learning in
a school involves more than just being exposed to information and set content.
Effective learning environments promote a strong sense of community, leaving children feeling valued, respected and connected. Building and maintaining working relationships with peers and staff can also contribute to a child’s sense of belonging and provide them with access to important role models. We know that this can help to improve mental health outcomes. For children whose home lives are unpredictable or unstable, a secure, welcoming learning environment in school can help to provide assurance and certainty.