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Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Pre-Necta Exams | Form Six | 2022 - All Subjects

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Study Tips for your Final Exams

Take Appropriate Care of Your Health

It is extremely important to maintain good health in order to do your best in school. Exercise regularly and set aside time to take breaks from studying and working. Eat healthy foods to keep you energized and focused. Stick to a regular sleep schedule; this is particularly important in the days and weeks preceding finals week. Pulling all-night study sessions can easily result in low grades because being tired will significantly affect your attention and comprehension. Make it a point to relax with friends regularly and participate in non-academic activities to avoid getting burned out; to this effect.

Take Breaks

Give your brain and body a chance to refresh so you can approach the material with energy and focus. According to Oxford Learning, “for every 30 minutes you study, take a short 10–15-minute break to recharge. Short study sessions are more effective and help you make the most of your study time.” So, stand up, stretch your legs, and get some fresh air before getting back to the books.


Don’t Cram – Start Early

Do yourself a huge favor and make a habit of start studying early on in the semester. Spend at least one hour per week reviewing class notes. Highlight all the areas that are important, and look back at the syllabus to narrow down the key areas you’ll need to get a handle on. By simply going over all your class notes, you’ll get a good overview of the specific areas you should start studying. This will also provide your mind with a good summary of everything you’ve been learning this semester.


Make the Most of Class Time

Attend all class sessions, pay close attention to the lectures, and take notes in a way that makes sense for you. The goal is to be able to understand your notes when you review them later.

“Taking good notes means you pay more attention during class,” suggests Oliver, a Chinese international student at the University of Kansas. “When you prepare for the test, it will be really helpful.” And if something does not make sense, raise your hand and ask, or make a note to follow up with your professor or teacher assistant.
