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Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Notes - Darasa la Tatu - MAARIFA YA JAMII - Sura Zote


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SURA 1 - 2

SURA 3 - 4

SURA 5 - 6

SURA 7 - 8

SURA 9 - 10


TIE (Tanzania Institute of Education)

Importance of Teaching Agriculture in Schools


By teaching agriculture at a young age, kids can start recognizing how it impacts the world around them and help them learn other important aspects about life. Agriculture is based on the cycle of how things grow, live, and die, which is a cycle all living things go through. It has also provided humans with resources to survive since the beginning of time, and continues to do so today.

Agriculture has always been the basis of every society throughout history because of how fundamental it is for our survival. However, our academic institutions have moved further and further away from considering it a necessary discipline.


Importance of teaching Agriculture in Schools:


1. Helps Students Learn About Food Production and Its Science

Agricultural education helps students understand where their food comes from and the science and technology that goes into producing it.

This knowledge can help them make informed decisions about the food they eat and purchase products.

Knowing how your food is produced can make better choices about the food you eat and the products you buy.


2. Teaches Students About Natural Resources

Agricultural education can teach students about the importance of natural resources and how to conserve them.

This knowledge can be useful for those interested in careers in environmental science, natural resource management, and other related fields.

It can also help students understand agriculture’s impact on the environment and the need for sustainable practices.


3. Impact on Health

Agriculture is the main source of food production and is directly responsible for our health as individuals and groups. Agricultural practices and their subsequent contribution to the food industry affect our total nutritional intake and balance.

The industry has also been at the centre of criticism recently due to the heavy use of artificial fertilisers and pesticides, which can be harmful to our health. Fortunately, agricultural businesses have started taking these concerns seriously and some of them are investing in less harmful food production methods.


4. Keeps Them Physically Active

Farming and agriculture are intense disciplines to learn about, and their practical application is physically demanding. By including them in academic curriculums, schools can help make students more physically active, thus strengthening them physically and mentally. Such activities will also build their stamina, which increases a person's endurance.

Agriculture-related work will also encourage team building, with students communicating effectively to ensure their collective project flourishes.


5. Combines Knowledge from Several Disciplines

Aside from teaching about survival, self-sustenance, etc., agricultural education is also important because it combines the knowledge of several disciplines.

Determining which plants thrive in a specific climate will teach them about basic geological and climate differences between regions. They will also need to explore biology, chemistry, physics and mathematics to make critical calculations and estimations about crop plantation and harvesting.

